NWM054-ET77A Emergency Trolley

Steel and aluminum structure inside. ABSand antibacterial materials outside, easyto clean.
Extendable Worktop
Laterally extendable worktop

With handles on both sides, surface withtransparent soft glass
Inner with partitions can be well organized

IV Pole
Movable IV pole can exchange positionwith defibrillator shelf
Defibrillator Shelf
The plate surface is made of virgin ABSmaterial.The position of the IV pole andthe defibrillator shelf can be exchanged foreasy use.

Power Outlet
The power socket is movable anddetachable,Easy to use,Located abovethe CPR board to convenient the use ofoxygen cylinders
Oxygen Bottle Holde
Inserted oxygen bottle holder, belts fixedon trolley main body

Trash Can
Two ABS trash cans with lid
Debris Basket
With two debris baskets on both sidesThe big one is for two sharp containersand the small one is for sanitizer

TPR tire no worn out after running 30KM,save anti-winding hard shell, Unitedforming without boltsPass Dynamic test: Bearing 120kg run30KM and pass obstacles 500times
Technical parameter
Size (LxWxH) | 750×475×950 mm |